How to keep kids entertained at home. Adolescence - what to do with a child

Children don't like to be bored. If they have nothing to do, they begin to act up, whine, break toys, follow their parents with their tail and look at them with pleading eyes. Moms have to constantly think of ways to entertain children. Let's talk about how to fill a child's leisure interesting games, activities, and also manage to carve out some time for yourself.


Babies don't know how to play. In the first year of life, their main need is a good and strong relationship with adults. Left alone for more than 5 minutes, the baby feels abandoned.

What entertainment for children can be offered at such a tender age, except for rattles? To develop speech, sing songs more often, say nursery rhymes, play finger games with your child. Hang bright pictures on the walls, bring the crumbs to them and tell about the images. Change the exposure once a month. Spin to the music, holding the baby in your arms, do fun massages and fitball exercises.

After six months, children are happy to play hide-and-seek, patties, crumple paper and scatter cereals in containers. If you give the baby jars of buckwheat, semolina, beans, bells, wooden and ordinary spoons, you can arrange a home orchestra. Having learned to sit, the child happily rolls a ball or a car, builds a tower with his mother's help and then brings it down. Swings, walkers, jumpers will help parents to allocate a few free minutes for household chores, but try to keep the baby in sight.

How to entertain a one year old

At this age, children learn to control their body. Active ball games, catching up, hide and seek, dancing to music, overcoming obstacle courses are very useful. It is important to develop the fine motor skills of the baby. Teach him to draw scribbles with pencils, buy finger paints, sculpt sausages from plasticine and dough. Children also enjoy watching the puppet shows played by their parents. Act out simple stories.

How to captivate a child when mom has a lot to do? Give the baby a box with nylon lids, plastic bottles, bowls, spoons. Let us rattle unbreakable pans, try on old skirts, scarves, shirts and caps. A one-year-old child is not as interested in toys as real objects. The young technician will ecstatically break the old alarm clock or camera, while the mother will cut the vegetables for the soup at this time.

Learning to play

Should a parent always play the role of an animator, inventing entertainment for children? As long as the child is small, this is inevitable. However, already at 2-3 years old, you can teach kids to play on their own.

Let's see how to do it right:

  • Teach your child to play with dolls and cars. Simulate familiar situations together: going to the store, to the doctor, feeding, traveling in transport, etc. Create a variety of stories, suggest unfamiliar words. When the kid is carried away, leave him alone for a while, giving the task (cook soup for the bear, put the truck to bed).
  • To develop imagination and horizons, read more books, listen to audio fairy tales and act out their plots.
  • Buy simple board games. Let the kid learn to follow the rules, win and lose. He will need this when communicating with peers.
  • If a child stares at a caterpillar for 5 minutes or touches the dirt while walking, do not interfere with him. Encourage any attempt to take care of yourself.

Conditions for independent play

There are families in which the children themselves come up with activities for themselves. Parents can do household chores without worrying about how to entertain children. How to achieve this idyll?

  1. Turn off the TV and put away the tablet. Children quickly "get hooked" on cartoons, turning into passive spectators. For parents, this is convenient, but the development of initiative and imagination in a child is inevitably inhibited.
  2. Set aside a place to play. Buy simple toys that leave room for creativity. Blocks and a teddy bear are much more useful than interactive dolls and radio-controlled cars.
  3. Periodically hide some of the toys, giving out a similar bag with already forgotten bunnies and trucks as a replacement.
  4. Start the game yourself, and then remember the urgent business and leave the child alone. Watch him. If the game has become sluggish, join for a while. Suggest an unexpected development of the plot or another activity (plasticine modeling, drawing).
  5. Be sure to praise the children when they play by themselves. Rejoice if the kid came up with an interesting story or built a complex model from the designer.

Attention required

Sometimes children follow their mother with a ponytail and demand entertainment, not because they are bored. They are looking for affection and attention. Often this happens with babies who spend the whole day in kindergarten. In this case, you can arrange "hugs", playful fuss or involve the child in household chores. Let him help you wash vegetables, sort laundry, dust. Be sure to find time to collaborate.

What crafts can be done with children? Ones that encourage them to play on their own. It can be:

  • dollhouse or box parking;
  • characters from plasticine, paper, disposable or wooden spoons, socks, etc. for staging your own performance;
  • a freeway made of cardboard, on which you can arrange races;
  • a TV from a large box in which the baby fits entirely;
  • dolls and animals made of cloth or thread;
  • skittles from empty plastic bottles;
  • foam boats that can be launched in the bath.

What to do with a sick child?

There are situations in which it is difficult for children to think for themselves interesting activity. For example, a disease. When a baby has a high temperature, he is not up to games. But after 2-3 days, the state of health improves, and high loads are still contraindicated. How to entertain a child of 6 years old at home if he is prescribed bed rest? We offer several options:

  • Read interesting books, listen to audio fairy tales. Try writing your own compelling story.
  • If your throat hurts, transport yourself to the land of the deaf and communicate with gestures.
  • Give your child a "doctor's set", toy patients and play hospital.
  • Put on a puppet show. In the evening, take a lantern, organize a shadow theater.
  • Play guessing game. Choose an object in the room or in the picture. The second player must guess what it is by asking leading questions. You can only answer "yes" or "no".
  • Organize your workspace by taking a tray. On it you can draw, cut out paper dolls, glue, sculpt, collect puzzles and models, make collages from magazine clippings.

In the country

What games to entertain children in the garden, where there is no TV, a bag of toys and true friends? It’s great if a bicycle, a scooter, an electric car, a swing are available. A ball, a jump rope will also work. Involve dad in the construction of a hut. Give your child their own garden for experiments. Hide toy insects in the area, offer to collect them in a jar.

Dacha is the best place for fun with water. Fill the pool, give your son a water gun, and offer to shoot down plastic bottles. If there are old sheets in the house, hang them up. Load the weapon with a colored solution and engage in "artistic" shooting.

During a trip

A long journey by car is very tiring for a child. It is difficult for him to be in a confined space where you can not run and jump. What entertaining games for children are suitable in this case?

  • "Diary of a traveller". Give your child a notebook, pen and colored pencils. Offer to draw or describe what impressed him most today; paste pictures from booklets, photos, tickets, dried flowers.
  • Radio story. Give the child a voice recorder and offer to dictate an interesting fairy tale or story.
  • Turn on funny songs and sing them together. You can record your performance on a cassette.
  • Recite familiar verses or the alphabet in different voices: loud, quiet, fast, slow, squeaky, rough, creaky, etc.
  • "Grandma's Chest" The first player says: "I climbed into the attic and found ..." Then any object is called: a gold coin, a beautiful vase, a treasure, a teddy bear, a magic wand. The second player repeats everything that was said before him, and adds his item. This continues until someone gets confused.

If your child has a birthday soon, but there is not enough money for an animator, you will have to organize a celebration yourself. How to entertain children so that the holiday is remembered for a long time?

  • First, congratulate the birthday man together. To do this, you can sing a song in chorus.
  • To introduce the guys, start with the phrase "I have a friend ...". Next, describe one of the kids present. Whoever guesses first who it is about becomes the leader.
  • Play a stress relief game. Turn on the music and invite the children to dance. When the music subsides, you need to complete the task of the presenter. For example, say hello to a child whose clothes are blue. Or smile at a girl with a pigtail.
  • Play famous outdoor games: "Blind Man's Buff", "The Sea is Worried", "Extra Chair", "Salki". Don't forget dancing.
  • Give the children a pile of clothes, wigs, noses, ears, mustaches, glasses. When they're dressed up, have a fun costume show.
  • You can end the evening with a general photo shoot and fireworks on the street.

When deciding how to entertain children, do not overdo it. The child should have free time, which he can spend at his own discretion. This is how babies learn to accept independent solutions and trust yourself.

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To make this happen not soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of glycerin. The solution barrel is ready!

22. Painting without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong hermetically sealed bag, the child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with his fingers and not get dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister, you need to cut out the sink body with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin, long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling. permanent markers color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The rest will be done by the imagination.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemistry experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon, and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will lead to the release a large number carbon dioxide to inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen dinosaur egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably a little overripe), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take out the frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!

Great job for parents. But sometimes moms and dads are forced to do urgent things, and the child is bored, does not know what to do. All children are different, and each kid likes to do something different - someone flips through books, someone rattles pots, and someone sits still for 5 minutes - torture, and he rushes all upside down. How to calm little fidgets? Houses? Let's try to find a fascinating thing for any crumb - calm or restless.

Summer days and baby at home

It's hard to sit at home when it's summer outside, it's sunny, warm and fun outside. Of course, rain, thunder, wind or, on the contrary, scorching heat does not make anyone want to go outside. Even a child will understand that it is better not to go for a walk yet. And if there are urgent matters or one of the family members is sick, which does not allow you to immediately leave the house with the baby, the question arises: what to do with the child at home in the summer? Every parent has an arsenal of things to distract their little one. Although you can always find something new for your child.

Here, for example, arrange a disco for the baby. Children love to move. Turn on fun music. There is time - set an example - dance with the baby, this will bring you together and cheer you up. If the child is not alone, let them arrange competitions - who is better, who dances longer. Anyone can be a judge - mom, dad or someone who is now next to the children. Competitions are a great stimulus for grown-up kids. You can build towers from cubes - whoever is taller. Or put together puzzles - who is faster, etc. Almost all children love to splash in the water. There will be no question of what to do with a child at home in the summer if he is healthy. It is enough to pour water into the bath, give toys, and that's it - your child will play in the water with pleasure, especially when it's hot outside. It is important not to leave the child alone for a long time, you need to monitor the safety of the bathing process and, of course, control the temperature of the water, because your plans do not include the child's illness.

Lessons for the little ones

It is clear that for children different ages fit different games. For example, there are not many options for what to do with a three-month-old baby at home. For such a baby, entertainment with toys hanging in the crib is suitable, it is better if they are bright rattles. The kid will lie, look at objects with interest, touch it with a pen or a leg and listen to what sounds are produced. For kids of this age, this is a favorite pastime. With such children you need to constantly talk, sing songs to them. Even if you are busy, you can tell your baby what you are doing. Take the baby in your arms as often as possible, do not be afraid to spoil - there is not much love, affection and warmth. If the baby is naughty, does not want to stay in the crib in any way, but urgent matters are waiting for you, take the baby with you. Sling is the solution. Many household chores can be done in the company with the baby, putting him in a sling. There are many variations of this product. You can borrow a little one and sew them from different fabrics. the baby also needs to develop. These toys can be filled with various cereals - buckwheat, beans, pearl barley, etc. The child will touch with his hands, and when he grows up, he will be interested in kneading such home-made things.

Activities for one year olds

What to do with a one year old at home? The answer is not so simple. Sometimes a child can get carried away with such a thing, an object that an adult would not even think about. Almost all children at this age like to play with saucepans, unbreakable jars and bottles, spoons, ladles and other kitchen utensils that are safe for a child. If you are busy in the kitchen with your own business, put the baby next to him, give him a few items, let him study. When he gets tired of examining, opening and closing, replace some objects with others, and the child, if he is not hungry and does not want to sleep, will sit a little longer, doing what you gave him. In plastic bottles, you can pour some beans, beans or some kind of cereal. The kid will rattle with pleasure homemade toy. You can also offer the baby colorful books, preferably such that they do not tear. Children love to look at pictures, but you need to make sure that the baby does not take books in his mouth, some mischievous people bite off or tear off paper and chew, or they can swallow it.

Do you have an urgent job related to the computer, and you do not know what to do with a one-year-old child at home? Plant him side by side, give him a clean sheet, pencils, a pen and just make sure that the baby does not take anything in his mouth. The child will occupy himself for a while. Many kids love to tear paper. You can give your child an unnecessary magazine or an old book, show how to tear sheets, but make sure that the baby does not pull anything into his mouth. In addition, children begin to play with pyramids and cubes a year. Offer them to your little one, show them how to build, and when he gets carried away, leave him to play alone. Put a box or drawer with clothes - and you will be surprised how the baby will sort things out with enthusiasm, trying to try them on.

What to do with a 2 year old at home

A two-year-old child has already learned a lot, but does not always find something to do on his own, especially if he is alone in the family. If there are several children, then they often find something to do. Of course, at any age, children love to play naughty, so supervision is always important and necessary. Some kids love to draw on the wallpaper. For such artists, offer pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, and blank paper. Let them show their talent where it will not interfere with anyone. Other children are not indifferent to telephones, remotes from equipment, etc. It is better for them to give them a broken remote control or telephone, and let the child take it to press buttons or make faces at parents while talking to an imaginary interlocutor. All the same cubes and pyramids are of interest to two-year-old children no less than one-year-olds. And the child will try on clothes even harder than a year ago. Many girls are very fond of helping their mother with the housework, for example, washing the dishes. And then you don’t have to think about what to do two year old Houses. Just put a chair near the sink and do business with your daughter. She will simply be delighted with this lesson. You can pour water into a cup and give toy dishes or ordinary spoons, unbreakable plates, mugs.

Activities for older kids

It's no secret that modern children can watch TV with interest for hours on end, and almost from the cradle. Naturally, parents get free time when the child is sitting in front of the screen. But keep in mind that watching cartoons affects vision, psyche, behavior, so you should not get carried away with this activity. Twenty or twenty-five minutes a day is the threshold of safe time for watching cartoons and children's shows. Leave the TV as a last resort. Look for other ways to keep your three year old busy at home when you need to get things done.

You can ask the baby to bring two bears, three blue plates, etc. The baby will be busy, while you and your child will repeat or learn colors and counting. In addition, looking for the right items, the child will be distracted and play himself. Turning on the fantasy, you can easily figure out what to do with a small child at home. Tell the baby that one of the toys is sick, it needs to be treated, boiled porridge, fed, put to sleep. Lots of options. You can iterate over all of them. Ask the baby to treat, then say that the toy has gotten better, and now she wants to eat. Let the child feed his friend, etc.

Evening activities for children

Many experts, when answering the question of what to do with children in the evening at home, will say that they need quiet games, reading books, classes without physical activity, so that the child gets ready for bed. But not all parents can boast of an obedient and calm child, especially in the evenings. For some reason, it is at this time that your child seems to turn into a hurricane - he needs to jump, run, squeal. And the more you calm him down, the more he tries to indulge. What to do with kids at home? You can give a lot of old magazines and newspapers, let the baby tear them up, throw them on the floor, jump on crumpled sheets (many children like how they spring), throw paper into the basket. This way of splashing out the emotions accumulated during the day is suitable for children who are calm during the day. Every child loves to splash in the water. Bathing is another way to pacify the fidget and set you up for sleep. Water will calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and the baby will be able to become calmer. And then, after listening to a fairy tale or a song, he will fall into a sound sleep.

Hyperactive baby at home

A child with increased activity can be seen almost from birth. He starts crawling and walking early. Everywhere climbs and does not listen to the elders. You can talk a lot about raising such kids, but now we are talking about something else. What to do at home? The most important thing is that the type of activity should be somehow connected with movements. Even a child should be allowed to listen to a book with a toy in his hands, otherwise the baby simply will not sit still. Give the crumbs tasks: jump five times, run three times to the kitchen and back, jump 10 times over an obstacle, for example, over a rope lying on the floor. Bathing for such children is also an opportunity to relax. The most important thing is not to scold or punish the child. Hyperactive babies are receptive to praise, and punishment does not work on them. So you can scare the baby and lose his trust.

Unusual activities for kids

When the child is tired of all the usual things, I want to offer him something new and exciting. If you look at what you have in the pantry, you can think of something to do with young children at home. Left big cardboard box from home appliances? Great! Making a tunnel for climbing. You can use old wallpaper and tape to make the same tunnel. If the baby does not want to climb himself, show him an example. The child will surely like this activity.
Did you find a closet door or an old shelf in the pantry? Amazing! We make a hill. We put a board, a shelf or a door to the sofa at an angle, and that's it. The hill is ready. Let the kid ride himself or lower the cars. Show your child how to knock down cubes, castles built at the foot of the hill, using a typewriter.

Useful activities for the crumbs

What can you do with children at home so that the business is beneficial and interesting for kids? Here are some options for simple and exciting things to develop fine motor skills. Take beans, mug, cup and spoon. Let the baby try to pour all the beans from the cup into the mug with a spoon. You can pour water into a container with beans and instruct the child to catch all the beans with a spoon or strainer. Take a small box, cut a hole in the top, ask them to put all the beans through the hole. Instead of a box, you can use a plastic bottle. And if you cut a hole at the bottom, objects lowered through the neck will fall out through it. Such a common thing for an adult, how to peel a boiled egg, for a little man is an exciting activity. And if you offer your child not a chicken, but a quail egg, the child's interest will only increase. This is not the whole list of what to do with children at home.

Hour of fun

Sometimes allow yourself to become a child for a while. The kid will appreciate it very much. He will trust you more, see you as his friend. Take all soft toys, small pillows, paper balls - everything that does not have solid parts on it. You can stand still, run from one to another, chase each other, hide in cover and throw these soft objects. The fun will be unforgettable. It is better to end such entertainment with hugs. You can play unusual hide and seek. Looking for a toy. The host remains alone in the room, hides the item that was chosen in advance, and then the second participant looks for it. It is better to accompany the search with the words "cold", "warmer", "hot" to make the task easier for the child.

Letting go is also a lot of fun. Children love to run after bubbles and catch them. And how much laughter and joy at the same time! By the way, a solution for soap bubbles can be prepared independently at home. To do this, you need to take water, boil it. Let it stand for a while. Take 600 ml of water and 200 ml of dishwashing liquid. We add 100 ml of glycerin to this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and leave it to infuse the solution for about a day. This amount of soap bubbles is enough to amuse the kids many, many times and not think about what to do with the children at home.

Children are capable of doing things with enthusiasm that an adult would never even think about. Toddlers are inventors and dreamers. Show them an example of how to spend time, and when they grow up, they will not watch TV or play computer for days, but will figure out what to do on their own. Teach your child to make the most of their time!

Work, household chores and other concerns take up a lot of our time, often to the detriment of communication with our children. Even when free minutes fall out, we do not always know what interesting things to do with a child, in addition to reading and simple games.

Some parents go out of their way, including cartoons or game on the computer so that the child "does not interfere." In our opinion, this is an extreme measure when there really is no time to pay attention to the baby.

Today we decided to offer you interesting ideas, which, on the one hand, will not take much of your time, and on the other hand, will surprise and occupy the child for a long time. With your own hands, you can quickly and easily create a “miracle”, while at the same time with a minimum of material costs. Try to "conjure" with your child, guided by our tips.

cardboard house

Cardboard is an excellent material for building houses. It is easy to cut, bends well and is quite durable after gluing. Depending on your imagination, the size and density of the cardboard, you can make both a large house for a child and a small house for dolls.

It is better to make a house for a child in such a way that it can be folded and removed at any time. To connect the parts in this case, it is more convenient to use adhesive tape, not glue, and, if necessary, glue reusable Velcro. Do not forget to provide a window and doors, curtains and other decor will also not interfere.

One day, every mom runs out of fantasy: the children whine or misbehave, and you don’t know how else to entertain them ... Let this list be your lifesaver, bookmark it and gradually try all the ways.

1. Try hosting a picnic at home - trust me, it can be a lot of fun.

2. Using chairs, armchairs, and any other materials at hand, build a fortress out of blankets.

3. Find instructions on the Web and make cute little dolls out of old socks.

52. Invent and make your own journal - if the child can not write yet, join your efforts to create one.

53. Bake a cupcake. Let the kids do most of the work.

54. Plan and prepare a family vacation together.

55. Teach children how to sew up holes in, for example, socks.

56. Rearrange the furniture in the children's room.

57. Open a homemade cocoa cafe. Cocoa in it can be served with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolates - your imagination is not limited by anything.

58. Make a bird feeder out of plastic bottle. Pour seeds there and hang outside the window.

59. Make mini pizzas using bread, tomato sauce, cheese and any ingredient to taste. Readiness is easy to determine - as the cheese melts.

60. Let the kids try out as makeup artists - it will be a lot of fun!

61. Play patient and doctor. Any child will be interested in being a doctor at least for a while.

62. The game "the mummy returns" - the role of the mummy can be played by anyone. The “Mummy” is wrapped by other participants in the game in many layers of toilet paper.

63. Throwing balls. Place several buckets of different diameters and invite the children to leave the balls in them from different distances.

64. Offer children bright lipstick, which can leave traces of kisses on relatives and friends.

65. Read a simple story to the children, and then invite them to try themselves in the role of theater actors.

66. Play with the children in the grocery store. Goods in the store can be blanks from the pantry.

67. Take a bath! Let your child bring toys into the bathroom that you wouldn't normally allow (it's important that they're waterproof!).

68. Do a spring cleaning together. Of course, children do not always like to work around the house. However, it is very important to teach your child to help around the house at an early age.

69. Draw comics with the children and color them.

70. Let your child choose and print beautiful color pictures from the Internet.